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Dorr Township Library

October 14 Minutes

xcdDorr Township Library

Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting

Monday, October 14, 2013


Meeting was called to order by President Patty Moore at 6:33pm

Members Present: Patty Moore, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Tara Reece, Louis Harnish

Audience: 7

Approval of Agenda: Moore made a motion to approve agenda; seconded by Huizinga; all yes; motioned approved

Secretary’s report:

Regular Meeting, 9/9/13: Moore made a motion to approve 9/9/13 minutes; seconded by Harnish; all yes; motioned approved.

Special Meeting, 9/25/13: Moore made a motion to approve 9/25/2013 minutes with changes to date, eliminating the word ethical & word change to solicit: seconded by Huizinga: All yes; motion approved

Special Meeting, 9/30/13: Moore made motion to approve 9/30/13 minutes with changes to applicant Bazan’s name; seconded by Huizinga; All yes; motion approved.

Special Meeting, 10/7/13: Moore made motion to approve 10/7/13 minutes with changes to applicants Bazan’s name; seconded by Otto; All yes; motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Moore is going to asked Suanne about the books, coffee, and mileage expenses. Huizinga made a motion to accept treasurer’s report with questions concerning expenses of books, coffee and mileage; Otto seconded; all yes; motion approved.

Correspondence: Letter received by Moore from a patron with a complaint about customer service. Decided at this point to let new director decided on appropriate action concerning the complaint.

Otto will send a letter of apology to patron

Letter received by board concerning the choosing of a new board member before the hiring of a new director. Concern was having a complete board of 6 member to make decision in hiring new director

Concern was taken into consideration.

Township Board Meeting: Otto will be attending the 10/17/13 meeting

Public Comment: None


FOIA Policy: A rough draft of policy was written by Harnish, then given to Reece to retype

By-Laws: Tabled until we have a new Director

Director Search: Reece presented an Interview schedule for 10/19/13. Brower will handle the refreshments in the lunch room. Board members are to review the sample questions before meeting.

Board Vacancy: interviews and appointment of applicants; Schumacher and Rust were not in attendance;

Interviews were held with B. Gibson, L. Jansen, C. Lickteig, M. Pitkin. After careful consideration,

Barbara Gibson was chosen. Huizinga plans to call all applicants. Hopefully, Barbara can get sworn in by

10/19/13 so that she can participate in the choosing of a new Library Director.

Adjournment: Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 P.M.; seconded by Reece; all yes;

motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted by Peggy E. Otto