February 11th Mintues
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
February 11,2013
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:35pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Peggy Otto, Ken Huizinga, Sarah Stanton, Sue Wierenga, Absent: Tara Reece, Louis Harnish
Approval of Minutes: Moore motioned to approve the agenda; Huizinga seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Secretary’s report: Motion to approve minutes by Otto; seconded by Stanton: all approved-report
Treasurer’s report: Motion to approve minutes by Moore, seconded by Huizinga: all approved-motion carried. Motion to approve credit card statement of 424.73 by Otto, seconded by Huizinga: all approved-motion carried.
Library Update
-Correspondence: None
Grants: None
-Staff meetings: A meeting was held discussion on current township board issues-instructed to be careful of what you say/and or any comments. Further issues staff is to discuss with Suanne or Board members.
Summer reading program is “Dig into Reading”
Trustee Update:
-Township board meeting -2/21/13. Otto will attend.
Trustee Opportunities and Committee reports
DBA meeting 2/21/1313 at 1pm at the library
Public Comment: None
Digital Signature Pads & Policies. Purpose of these pads is to keep patron information secure & switch completely to an e-mail system of contact. Vote was taken to join the Digital Signature Menu Service in Spring of 2013. Moore motioned to check Yes, I want to be in the group purchase for the digital signature pad. Number I plan to purchase would be 2. Otto Seconded the motion-all approved the motion. The Digital Signature pads estimated cost is 295.00 however, if purchased as a group the price could be lower. The cost of the service would be around a 100.00 per year depending on how many libraries use the service
Snow Day closures. Due to bad weather the library closed on 1/31/13 at 6pm. It was closed on 2/7/13 @5pm and didn’t reopen until 12:00pm on 2/8/13. Concerns about road conditions especially in Allegan county and our new maintance man plow schedule. A possibility of changing sign in the event of closure due to weather. Suanne to check on cell phone use to change sign or having Otto come in an change sign during bad weather. Policy concerning Library closure remained the same.
Dorr Library’s 75th Anniversary 2/2/15. Start to think of ways to celebrate. Possible cookbook, library pictures, talking with people that were part of the library in the beginning.
Upcoming events: Quilt class and Spring Art Class
Library Closure: Library will be closed on 2/19-2/20 due to changing books and shelves for new children’s center
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Huizinga seconded : all approved; meeting adjourned at 7:40pm
Next regular meeting: March 11, 2013 at 6:30pm at the library.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto