March 19 Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: March 18, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by Rachel Vote, President.
Pledge of Allegiance: Was said.
Roll Call: Present- Rachel Vote, Carrie Brooks, Sara Rydman, Tara McMillin, Jennifer Klug Absent- Marcia Brock. Elyshia Schafer, Library Director, was also present. No visitors.
Approval of the Agenda: Vote motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Brooks. All yes, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Vote motioned to approve the February 18, 2019 minutes, seconded by McMillin. All yes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Vote motioned to receive and file the February 2019 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Klug. All yes, motion carried. Vote motioned, seconded by Klug, to pay the February 2019 credit card bill in the amount of $1,496.20. All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: None.
Director’s Report: Schafer provided a report of information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended by the Director, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning.
- New programs available that include a watercolor class, tech classes. Duel Club will learn a new game and watch a yugioh movie on the 29th.
- Current Chase credit card no longer will offer rewards bonus points, these points were used to fund the employee recognition dinner. Director is looking at new rewards credit card.
- Continue to vote for ‘Love Your Hometown’ on the Allegan County Website until the end of March.
- Outside parking lot lighting will be installed soon and possible funding available for the replacement of another air conditioner this year.
- Multiple weather closings February 1,7,8,12,13,25.
- Director meetings – LLC, ILS Council Meeting, Mel database training – March 14. Strategic planning workshop on March 22,23 will include board members Vote and Klug.
- Automatic renewals are set to go live soon!
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is March 28,2019. Vote and Klug will attend this meeting. Vote and Klug attended the previous meeting and provided a 3-minute summary of current events and programming.
Committee Reports: Rydman attended the February 20th DBA meeting. July 4th and Dorr’s 150th celebration activities discussed
- Director Evaluation (closed session) 8:05 pm – 8:23 pm. Opened meeting at 8:23 to discuss with Director.
- 2019-2020 Budget – Proposed budget presented by Director.
- Stuttering Foundation - Free materials available to the library per board member McMillin.
Adjournment: Vote motioned, Klug seconded to adjourn at 8:28 pm. All yes. Motion carried.
Next regular meeting: April 15, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Sara Rydman.