November 18 Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: November 18, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by Jen Klug, Vice President.
Pledge of Allegiance: Was said.
Roll Call: Present- Rachel Vote arrival at 7:30 pm, Carrie Brooks, Marcia Brock, Sara Rydman, Tara McMillin, Jennifer Klug Absent- None. Elyshia Hoekstra, Library Director, was also present. 20 visitors.
Approval of the Agenda: McMillin motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by Klug. All yes, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Klug motioned to approve the October 21, 2019 minutes, seconded by Brock. All yes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Klug motioned to receive and file the October 2019 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Brock. All yes, motion carried. Klug motioned, seconded by Brock, to pay the October 2019 credit card bill in the amount of $1507.01. All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: Public comment was given as follows
- Nancy Rosart stated the library staff was very dedicated and hard working. Concerned the budget cuts were made with no regard to the staff and community
- Katie Kanoza stated the board did not listen to the library director. Millage should be held in March 2020.
- Brenda Tjapkes stated we failed to get the word out the library would close. Ask for a little to keep the doors open and come back for more.
- Ben Misaras said the board struggled with the difficult decisions at last month’s meeting.
- Marcia, Henika library board member, explained if Dorr Library would become non-funded/under-funded.
- Theresa Cochran – letter received and read by library director about the importance of Dorr Library
- Unidentified residents – how to get the work out, don’t people understand its money well spent.
- Cyndi Lewis said the board was doing a good job with all that is happening.
Director’s Report: Hoekstra provided a report of information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended by the Director, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning.
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is doing well.
Programs reduced to 1 per week are still well attended. Charges will be based on a tier system – supply and staffing cost per person. Future crafts with costs will be presented at the December meeting.
Statistics for October
- Books, magazines, e-books and magazines – 1584
- Books on tape – 218
- DVD’s – 398
Ancestry - 124
- All materials sent and borrowed within LLC – 628
Building – Carpeting and ducts have been cleaned courtesy of the Township
Closings – October 28 at 5pm through October 29 due to Lakeland upgrades
Closed November 28-30 for Thanksgiving Day and weekend.
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is Thursday November 21, 2019. Rydman will attend this meeting. No board member or staff attended the previous meeting. A written summary was submitted by Rydman to the Township board.
Committee Reports:
DBA – Rydman will attend the Dorr Business Association meeting on Wednesday November 20, 2019.
- Review of finances after funding ends. See attachment. Funds in savings corrected from $142,000 to $179,545.00. No clarification was provided by the library director.
- Vote on millage amount for ballot.
President Vote motioned to approve a .75 millage on ballot. No second, motion failed.
Rydman asked Director Hoekstra for her millage amount recommendation. What had she heard from library patrons and tonight’s public comment indicated .6 mils is more popular with a better chance of passing?
Klug motioned to approve a .6 millage on the ballot, seconded by Brock. Roll call vote – All yes, motioned carried
- 2020 Library Holiday and Closing Schedule – See attached.
Klug motioned to close the library on Martin Luther King Day. No second, motion failed.
Vote motioned to approve the 2020 Library Holiday and Closing Scheduled with no changes, seconded by Brooks. All yes, motion carried
Adjournment: Vote motioned, Brooks seconded to adjourn at 8:30 pm. All yes. Motion carried.
Next regular meeting: December 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Sara Rydman.
Note to add to next month’s Old Business – Review freezing collections.