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Dorr Township Library

February 13th Minutes




Dorr Township Library

February 13, 2012

6:30 P.M.



Meeting was called to order at 6:34pm by Pat Moore, President.

Members Present: Pat Moore, Tara Reece, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto and Chase Lickteig were present. Suanne Wierenga was also present.

Approval of the Agenda: Otto motioned to approve the agenda; seconded by Huizinga. All yes.

Secretary’s Report: Motioned to approve the January 9, 2012 Minutes by Moore, seconded by Huizinga. All yes.

Treasurer’s Report: Moore motioned to receive and file the January 2012 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Lickteig. All yes. Moore motioned, Lickteig seconded to pay the current credit card bill in the amount of $1.92. All yes. Additionally, due to an error in a website charge, Wierenga also requested an expense reimbursement in the amount of 87.41 (the website charged her personal card rather than the Dorr Library card). Moore motioned to reimburse Wierenga for the error, Lickteig seconded. All yes. Wierenga proposed moving $1000 from Children’s Garden and $1500 from Community Promotions (totaling $2500) to reallot $1400 to Education and Training and $1100 to Books. Moore motioned to approve the budget adjustment, Lickteig seconded. All yes.

Library Update: Wierenga attended the LLC Advisory Council meeting on 1/5/12 and the LLC Board meeting on 1/12/12. The library had an e-reader discussion on 1/23/12 to assist individuals with their e-reader and obtaining library e-books. There will also be a quilting workshop Feb. 16-18th, and a local author coming to discuss her book on 2/16/12.

Correspondence: There was correspondence from the Sigfreid and Crandall regarding our intention to use them for our annual audit. Moore motioned to continue to use them, seconded by Otto. All yes. Moore also received a response from her letter to the state government regarding the personal property tax.

Grants: Wierenga is in the process of applying for the e-rate grant for discounted phone service.

Staff Meetings: Staff meeting occurred on 1/14/12 and the topic of discussion was the customer service book.  They also discussed alternate means to notify hold patrons.

Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is 2/16/12. Otto will attend this meeting. Moore attended the previous meeting and provided information about library functioning.   

Trustee Opportunities and Committee Reports: There is a Township Strategic Planning meeting on 3/6/12 at 6:30pm at the Township Hall.

Public Comment: None.


Sign Policy: Sign policy was drafted and considered by Board from last month’s meeting. Moore motioned to approve the sign policy, seconded by Lickteig. All yes.

Educational Opportunities: There are several upcoming educational opportunities that would be useful to staff. The MLA Spring Institute is 3/22-3/23 and would be appropriate for Karen Brower since it is geared to children’s programming. Additionally, the Rural Libraries Conference is May 2-4 and Wierenga would like to attend. Finally, the Beginning Workshop is May 15-17 and would be appropriate for Richard and/or Caylin. The Board discussed this and Wierenga will discuss the options with the employees.

Director’s Action Plan: Wierenga presented her action plans from her Director’s Review. The Board discussed her action plans and considered her responses to the review. After review the Board would like to have Board member present during hourly appraisals for employees. The remainder of the Action Plan was acceptable to the Board. Wierenga will put a copy with her 2011 Director’s Review.

Adjournment: Moore motioned, Otto seconded to adjourn at 7:48pm. All yes.

Next regular meeting: March 12, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.

Submitted by Tara Reece.