December 9th Agenda
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustee Meeting
December 9, 2013 6:30pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda (motion to approve)
Approval of the Minutes (motion to approve)
Treasurer’s Report (motion to approve)
- credit card statement: $20.92
Public Comment:
- review of public comment policy
Director’s Report
- Programs: Bus trip, Craft sale, Toys for Tots bin, story time, you’ve been socked, sock snowmen, candy cane wreath, holiday open house
- Publicity: Facebook, library website,
- Meetings, workshops, etc.: Director’s summit meeting, Rural Library conference in person meeting, webinar for Mel databases, scheduling staff meeting for Saturday January 4th
- Building: Quote on art gallery, book sale room sign, asked for a quote from Buist Electric on replacing the ballasts that are burned out as well as updating the others if needed
- Library Closures: Thanksgiving Day and Friday, upcoming: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day
- Volunteers: Teen group has helped with set up of tables and programs
- Lakeland, State and other library news: new cataloging for ereaders for loan was set up
- Patron comments/suggestions: book and dvd suggestions are slowly being filled, suggested teen book club and youtube channel, looking into several suggested database subscriptions that KDL has and we do not
- Other: State Rep. Yonker’s office, work started to begin a GoodReads page, library has an Amazon account, regular updates to Facebook page, signed up as a designated pick up location for World Book Night 2014, applied to take part in Money Smart Week 2014 with ALA and Financial Planning Association
Trustee Update:
- Township Board Meeting - report
Committee Reports:
- none
Old Business
- By-laws
- Employee Personnel Manual
- Discussion on updating library software (Microsoft Office)
- Gift Policy
New Business
- Newsletter
- 2014 holiday closures (motion to approve)
- New cover sheets
- Nomination of officers for 2014
- Set meeting dates for 2014 regular meetings
Public Comment
Special guests: Hopkins District Library Board
o Discussion
o Tour
o Cookie swap