December 9th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
December 9, 2013
Meeting was called to order by President Patty Moore at 6:35pm
Members Present: Barbara Gibson, Ken Huizinga, Patty Moore, Peggy Otto, Tara Reece: Absent;
Louis Harnish
Director: Natalie Bazan
Audience: 16 present
Approval of Agenda: Otto made a motion to approve agenda; seconded by Reece; all yes, motion carried
Approval of Secretary’s Report: Gibson made a motion to approve minutes; seconded by Reece, all yes, motion approved
Treasurer’s Report: Concerns about overages on coffee-order made with Cisco while discount was still available; overage on community promotions-monies from Chicago trip have yet to be deposited, overages in Professional services-due to attorney fees, could still be a small additional bill added.
Motion made by Otto to file and approve treasurer’s report; seconded by Gibson; all yes; motion approved
Credit Card statement: Motion made to pay credit card statement of 20.92 by Moore; Seconded by Moore; all yes; motion approved
Public Comment: B. Schumacher commented on his FOIA request for 10 years’ worth of minutes. Displeasure that the minutes were not more assessable to the public. Suggested putting hard copies of minutes in a 3 ring binder. Several other comments by others in audience. In general all were very pleased with the work of the library board. Positive comments concerning our staff and director, usage of computers and the Chicago trip were made.
Director’s Report: Chicago bus trip was huge success-2 buses/91 people attended. Craft sale 12/7/13 went well; Toys for Tots collection is doing well; Story time is a great success; “you have been socked” has started; candy cane wreath making on Dec. 12th, holiday open house on Dec. 19th 5:30-7:30pm.
Publicity: face book, library website-possible youth you tube/twitter account.
Building: Quote on art gallery of 300.00 book sale room sign-20.00; asked for quote from Buist Electric on replacement the ballasted that are burned out as well as updating others if needed
**Discussion of going forward with art gallery-consensus was to wait until new fiscal year to secure funds for art gallery; Book room sign was discussed; Motion was made by Reece and seconded by Otto to order a sign for the book room for no more that 20.00 dollars; all yes; motion approved
Library Closures: Thanksgiving & Friday; upcoming Christmas Eve & Christmas Day; New Year’s Eve & New Year’s day
Volunteers; Teen group has helped with set-up of tables and programs
Lakeland state and other library news; new cataloging for ereaders for loan was set up
Patron comments/suggestions; book and dvd suggestions are slowly being filled, suggested teen book club and youtube channel, looking into several suggested database subscriptions that KDL has and we do not
Other: State Rep. Younker’s office will be sending numerous educational materials, worked started to begin a Goodread page, library has an Amazon account, regular updates to Facebook page, signed up as a designated pick-up location for World Book Night 2014, applications to take part in Money Smart week 2014 with ALA and Financial Planning Association.
Trustee Update: Bazan attended township meeting-uneventful
Committee Reports: None
Page 2 Dorr Library Board minutes 12/9/13
Old Business
-By-laws: updated by-laws were updated by Reece and Bazan; discussion by the board; comments were
To change Art.VI Section 2 appoint a director to hire a director, check with attorney concerning whether the board can have board member resign or can they only be removed from office by recall.
By-laws can be revised at any time; finally board decided to revise and revisited the discussion of by-laws at our Jan.14 2014 meeting.
-Employee Personnel manual: Bazan presented the revisions. Updated from 1997, discussion of updated manual. Board members will carefully read this and it will be discussed again at the next Board meeting. Bazan will also discuss it with the staff at their Jan. 4 2014 staff meeting of the manual.
Updating Library software (Microsoft Office) Microsoft office can be installed on our computers for 27 dollars for each computer –Tech services would be 250 dollars for installation of all 8 computers. Discussion was made to have 4 computers done now and possibly 4 later if needed. Motion made by Reece to approve purchase of 4 licenses of Microsoft Office 2013 standard @ 27.00 each and installed by Nick Heimler not to exceed $200.00 seconded by Moore; all yes; motion approved
-Gift Policy: Discussion concerning gift policy: Motion made by Reece and seconded by Moore; all yes; motion approved.
New Business
-Newsletter: Bazan will check into newsletter options for next meeting
-2014 holiday closures (motion to approve) –no motion was needed
FOIA policy: Reece presented the revision of the FOIA policy to add procedures for assessing fee for searches related to FOIA request as suggested by the attorney in order to comply with the Freedom of Information Act. Moore made motion to add revisions of the policy; Gibson seconded; all yes; motion carried
Nomination for officers for 2014: discussion by Moore for creation of nomination slate and for voting for officers. Nominations are: President: Moore. Vice President: Otto. Secretary: Reece. Treasurer:
Ken Huzinga. Reece motioned to accept nomination slate; Gibson seconded; all yes; motion approved.
Roll call vote Otto; yes. Gibson yes. Moore; yes. Reece; yes, Huziniga; yes. All approved
Public comment:
B Schumacher discussed the reason for the Chicago trip. M. Holtz stated that the Chicago trip was a great way to experience life outside of Dorr. C. Peterson stated that she had a great time on the trip and looks forward to going again.
Special Guests: Board members entertained guests from Hopkins library board, toured the library and had a cookie exchange
Meeting was adjourned by Moore at 8:25pm
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto