January 14th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
January 14th 2013
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:32pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Louis Harnish Peggy Otto, Ken Huizinga, Sue Wierenga, ,Tara Reece
Sarah Stanton
Approval of Agenda: Moore motioned to approve the agenda; Huizinga seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Secretary’s report: Motion to approve minutes by Moore; seconded by Huizinga: all approved-report
Treasurer’s report: Due to upgrades of computer systems some figures may not be complete. Moore motioned to approve report; seconded by Stanton; all approved- report approved. Credit card statement of 45.91. Moore motion to pay credit card bill; Huizinga seconded motion; all approved; motion carried.
Library Update
Comment: both Hopkins and Leighton Libraries were closed between Christmas and New Years holidays
Mel cat system is not functioning thus no figures for December 2012. Overdrive usage is up a 100 over last year-very good.
-Staff meetings: None
Trustee Update:
-Township board meeting -1.17.13 Sarah Stanton will attend meeting.
Trustee Opportunities and Committee reports
DBA meeting 1/17/13 Peggy Otto will attend
Public Comment: None
State Aid: - report is finished
Side Walk: -the disc and regulator was replaced. Cost to township was 2,000 dollars.
Digital Signature Pads: Information was handed out to be read. The system with the pads will be scheduled for use in the summer of 2013. Pros of system: keeps patron information highly secure. No more paper notices-e-mail only notices. See information for costs.
Dorr Township Handbook: Handbook for elected officials and employees was handed out. Please read and sign copy to be given to Township Clerk.
Children’s Area: Movement of shelving and books to make a children’s area and a new adult sitting area.
Discussion as to who and when can this work be done. Possibility of a group of high school students that frequent the library -to be asked to help move books. A possible dates would be after school on 2/14/13 and all day on 2/15/13. The library would have to closed during the book/shelf moving time. Suanne will be looking into both asking the students to work and the possible dates and times. After adjournment of the meeting, the library board toured the library to see the future children’s and adult reading areas
Sue Martin will be retiring the end of January. We will miss her and thank her for her service to the library.
Richard Heintzelman will take Sue’s hours-no new personal will be hired at this time.
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Huizinga seconded motion; all approved; meeting adjourned at 7:25pm
Next regular meeting: February 11th at 6:30pm at the library
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto