March 11th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
March 11, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:30pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Tara Reece, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Sarah Stanton, Louis Harnish,
Director Suanne Wierenga
Approval of Agenda: Moore motioned to approve agenda, seconded by Huizinga,; all approved-motion carried
Approval of Minutes: Moore motioned to approve the minutes; Huizinga seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Secretary’s report: Otto motioned to approve the secretary‘s report; seconded by Stanton: all approved-motion carried
Treasurer’s report: Due to the increase of the cost of office supplies, the budge is over drawn in the “Collections & Office supplies column. We will move 200 dollars from the “books column” to the Collections & Office column. Moore motioned to approve the treasurer‘s report, seconded by Huizinga: all approved-motion carried. Motion to approve credit card statement of 272.60 by Otto, seconded by Huizinga: all approved-motion carried.
Library Update
-Mel Cat not working due to new Lakeland Program.
-Suanne investigating a cheaper trash service
-trouble with the slow speed of internet-could be linked to program
-Correspondence: None
Grants: None
-Staff meetings: none
Trustee Update:
-Otto discussed concerns on 2/21/13 township 4 hour meeting.
-Township Maintence man will decide who changes light bulbs in library.
-discussion on the resignation of Tammy Vanhistma, township supervisor. Concerns were express about the lack leadership of township board.
-next meeting is 3/21/13-budget hearing: Otto and Wienenga will attend
Trustee Opportunities and Committee reports
DBA meeting 3/21/13 at 1pm at the library
Public Comment: None
Audit: board needs to sign agreement letter to Siegfrid CrandallPC to do audit. Moore made the motion to sign the agreement; Huizinga seconded; all approved-motion carried
-75th anniversary of library; discussion continues
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Huizinga seconded motion; all approved; meeting adjourned at 7:12pm
Next regular meeting: April 8, 2013 at 6:30pm at the Dorr Township Library
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto