October 19th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
October 19, 2013
12:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by President Patty Moore at 12:08 P.M.
Members Present: Patty Moore, Louis Harnish, Peggy Otto, Ken Huizinga, Tara Reece, Barbara Gibson
Audience: Jim Martin
Staff: Karen Brower, Reilly Brower, Shelly Wycoff
Approval of Agenda: Moore motioned to approve agenda; Huizinga seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Public Comment: none
Director Search
Interviews were directed to the three candidates: Christina Golm, Teresa Krupar, and Natalie Bazan
Candidates first met with board then Board Trustee Tara Reese escorted them to the lunch room to interview with the staff. The candidates then were given a tour of the library and if requested a tour of Dorr. Staff member Shelly Wycoff drove the candidates on a brief tour of Dorr. In closing, the applicants met again with the board. Final questions, thoughts and concerns were discussed by both the candidate as well as the board. Interviews ended at 3:30 P.M.
-Board began discussing interviews of candidates. Staff: K. Brower, R. Brower and S. Wycoff also were asked for opinions of candidates. After serious deliberation, a straw vote of the board members was taken, ruling out Christina Golm. Discussion continued with another straw vote of the board members showed a tie between Bazan and Krupar. After further discussion, Otto made a motion to offer the director position to Natalie Bazan, Huizinga seconded, vote was 4-2 in favor of offering directorship to Natalie Bazan.
Discussion of a contract containing a 90 day probation period and a salary of 32 hours at $15.67 per hour. Offer would be drawn-up by Reece. Contact by phone will be made to Bazan on 10/21/13.
Adjournment: Moore motioned to adjourn meeting at 4:25 P.M. Otto seconded motion; all yes
meeting was adjourned.