September 30th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
Special Meeting
Monday, September 30, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:31pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Tara Reece, Louis Harnish
Audience: 7 Guest: Shirley Bursema KDL Trustee --Welcome Shirley
Approval of Agenda: Huizinga made a motion to accept the agenda-Reece seconded: all approved motion carried
Public comment: B. Schumacher commented on minutes of September 9th-concerning unethical disclosure of applications to unauthorized party. Moore stated that he should not take comments personally. It is the reason the board elicited an attorney. Board would consider changing wording.
FOIA Coordinator: Motion made by Reece to have Patty Moore act as FOIA Coordinator until new director is hired. Huizinga seconded –all approved: motion carried.
Director Search-letter to applicants: Courtesy letter to be e-mailed to all applicants regarding their applications have been subjected to a FOIA request. Tara would be e-mailing out the letter:
Otto motioned to send the courtesy letter to applicants: Huizinga seconded the motion: all approved: motion carried.
Presentation by Shirley Buursema from KDL.: Shirley gave a helpful presentation on the process of hiring a new director. She made mention that in her experience to FOIA an application has never been done.
Discussion of Director Search by Buursema
Step 1-E-mail all applicants a courtesy letter explaining that their personal applications had be the subject of a FOIA.
Step 2-Review all 18 applicants and select a top five-do this step quickly
Step 3 –Sent letters to rest of applicants
Step 4-Compare candidates from the top 5-will their style fit Dorr
Step 5-choose top 3 applicants
Step 6-check references of top 3 candidates-don’t limit to just the ones listed on their resumes-ask around. Phone the reference-no writing or Skype.
Step 7-develop a good job description-hours- etc.
Interviewing- show the library, the community-make a packet of the highlights of the community.
-consider a travel budget for out of town applicants.
-Reese was excused from meeting from 7:40-7:50pm
Top Five applicants
Bazan, Southwick, Craig, Golm, Kruper
Discussion of Board of Trustee Applicants. Interviews will be held a special meeting on Monday, October 7, 2013 at 6:30pm. Huizinga will call applicants.
Adjournment: Moore made motion to adjourn meeting at 8:38pm Reece seconded; all approved; motion carried.
Next Regular meeting: 10/14/13 at 6:30pm at the library. Respectfully Submitted Peggy E. Otto