January 13 Agenda
Dorr Township Library Board of Trustee Meeting
December 9, 2013 6:30pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda (motion to approve)
Approval of the Minutes (motion to approve)
Treasurer’s Report (motion to approve)
- credit card statement: $0 - Credit card reissued
Public Comment:
Director’s Report
- Programs: Craft sale, Toys for Tots bin, story time, you’ve been socked, sock snowmen, candy cane wreath, holiday open house. Upcoming: Tai Chi, book club, Winter Reading Bingo, story time.
- Publicity: Facebook, library website, Twitter, Pinterest
- Meetings, workshops, etc.: Director’s summit meeting, Rural Library conference, webinar for Mel databases, staff meeting for Saturday January 4th, LLC Advisory and Board meetings
- Building: Quote on art gallery, book sale room sign, asked for a quote from Buist Electric on replacing the ballasts that are burned out as well as updating the others if needed (given to township)
- Library Closures: Thanksgiving Day and Friday, upcoming: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Jan 6 and 7 due to weather
- Volunteers: Teen group has helped with set up of tables and programs, beginning work on a Friends group
- Lakeland, State and other library news: possible increase in hold items, MelCat Visiting Patron program (takes over for Michicard)
- Patron comments/suggestions: book and dvd suggestions are slowly being filled - working on a new system using dropbox to more quickly report suggestions
- Other: Work continues on reorganizing old records, children's computer has moved to the children's area, discussion of official teen area in the library, tax forms have begun to arrive, manual for sign operations has been produced, work started on official cataloging/material processing manual and payroll manual, Karen cross trained Reilly and Shelley on cataloging, reorganization of programming closet, official acceptance as a speaker for the Rural Library's conference
Trustee Update:
- Township Board Meeting - report
Committee Reports: - none
Old Business: - By-laws - Employee Personnel Manual - Gift Policy - Art Wall Quote
New Business: - Book Cart Quote
Public Comment